Comfy Chair Reflections

June 29, 2023  
Trust the Growth Process

...Growth will happen even when we don’t notice it. Naturally, all on its own without any assistance, the growth process will continue. Sometimes quickly and clearly. Sometimes slowly or incrementally. Sometimes forced by circumstances around us that are out of our control.

And sometimes we must make big changes – remove old growth, detach pieces that are starting to wither, and even cut off some of the new growth – in order for bigger or better things to sprout up in its place... (click to read more)

- January 2, 2023  
3 Cs of 2023

On New Year’s Eve, I read someone else’s reflections on the idea of New Years Resolutions. They were wondering where the concept (or pressure) of resolving to Be A Better You came from? And instead challenged their readers to congratulate themselves for surviving the past year, and to strive to be kinder to ourselves & to each other in the coming year.

This got me thinking… (click to read more)